Services is a premium proxy provider, that specializes in automated web data extraction. Our Real-Time Crawler includes:

100% Delivery
Highly customizable
Every customer has a specific set of needs that are addressed. We provide unique solutions for every one.
Captcha Solving
Spider® Real-Time Crawler takes care of captchas for you.
MSV Data
Determine CDN and network load time across IPs.
High Accuracy
We ensure a high level of accuracy along with our 100% delivery guarantee.
Effortless Transition
Seamless process
Highly Reliable
Overcome blocking and achieve a high success rate.
Data from complex targets
Posting may have limits that are unfair.

Cost Reduction

Why using Real-Time Crawler might be the best decision for your business. Let’s say that your capacity is 50M queries per month and you’re thinking about building an in-house data extraction team. See how much you could save with Real-Time Crawler.

HR Costs

An in-house team must contain a handful of high-skilled IT professionals working full-time to ensure a successful web data extraction process. With Real-Time Crawler, you can transfer your human resources to new opportunities.

Infrastructure costs

In-house infrastructure costs include server maintenance and monitoring, IP rotation services, and more. With Real-Time Crawler you don't need so many powerful servers, and the overall costs for infrastructure are much lower.

Raw costs

Expected costs of IP resources used by an in-house data extraction team that should be able to retrieve 50M queries per month vs. expected costs of 50M successful queries with Real-Time Crawler.

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