
How to get started?

Income application is easy to install, at the moment we support Windows only. Android and MacOS are coming.

How to signup for an account

  • First, open Income website to get to signup page
  • Hit "Do not have an account" link on the signup page
SignIn page

Enter required fields. If you don't have referral code, you can skip it. Later you'll be able to receive your own referral code so you can invite more people to Income and earn a percentage of their incode (they still hold all the income made)

  • Please check your inbox for incoming emails. An email with activation link will be sent to the entered email. You can check a spam box if nothing is found on your main folder
  • That's it. Please continue with app download to start earning.

How to download an app

  • Click on "Download" link or go to
  • Hit "Download" link or wait a few seconds for download to start automatically
  • Run the installer download
  • Proceed until the app is installed. Income requires Windows Desktop Runtime installed, please select "Yes" if it asks you to install one
  • Once the app is installed you'll be prompted with a login screen. Use the same credentials you used to login into a website
  • That's it. The Income App is running, you'll be able to see daily stats in the system tray and in the earn dashboard.

Not satisfied with your answer?

If you're not still satisfied with your answers, you can always contact us we will answer to you shortly